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To Lower Your Taxes You Must Get Involved

The Township Multiplier is out.  It is a factor applied to all properties to increase or decrease values to the state mandated 33 1/3 percent of assessed value.  In our case it is a significant increase.  Will your property taxes go up by that much?  The answer is, YES, most likely they will!  In O’Fallon District 90 that’s 8.77%.  Don’t know about Shiloh Village District 85 or Central District 104, but they are probably as much or more.  However, they don’t have to go up that much!  If the taxing bodies, including these school districts, only certify their tax levies based upon what is actually needed, then the tax bills can be increased by a lesser amount!  Big increases in the Illinois Municipal Retirement, Tort, Lease, Transportation, and Education funds, and even the Operations & Maintenance fund do not have a requirement that large and are, therefore, not necessary!

What can we do?  The O’Fallon District 90 board of education did not answer any questions or engage in any discussion with the public in attendance at the Tax Levy Hearing held in December 2023.  The answer is you must get involved.  More interest and attention is critical. Doing nothing means you are willing to accept these unsubstantiated increases. If you are unhappy with the roughly 30% your taxes have gone up in the last 5 years alone, you need to make your voices heard!!  Contact your board members and administrators via their email, call them on the phone and/or visit them in person!  It takes an effort!  Make an effort!  Ask them how much they NEED, not how much they just want to take because they can! 

The taxing bodies will certify their tax levy ‘requirements’ soon, so show up at the Board of Education meetings!  They are listed on their websites; dates, times and places.  O’Fallon District 90 is Tuesday, March 19th.  OTHS District 203 is March 21st, Central District 104 is April 8th and Shiloh Village School District 85 is March 18th.

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CORRECTION — The information that I posted was incorrect. I used the overall EAV to do the calculations that showed a 30% increase in tax bills. So Sorry. Your tax bills have increased over the years, but not nearly as much as I stated. This year truly is a bear, however, at 8.77% increase due to the township multiplier.

The information on website ‘’ is still accurate and informative. I hope that you find it helpful.

Again, I am sorry if I got y’all riled up! I am glad you were paying attention though!



Oops! We just learned from the O’Fallon District 90 superintendent their tax levy certification was approved and submitted at their February regular board meeting. Not sure how but they slipped it past us.

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